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Home Forums Course Discussion Self Defense Reply To: Self Defense

  • Pamela Chandler

    May 17, 2020 at 9:55 am

    This is always such a difficult situation. It frustrates me to no end but accidents do happen and dogs get out. For YOUR dogs…because they are on the smaller side….the best thing you can do is carry pepper spray with you. You want to shoot the spray toward the charging dog’s feet as the spray will rise. It is your best defense. With bigger dogs that you can not pick up I often suggest dropping their leashes so they can defend themselves and the humans are not hurt. This also gives you time to get your spray out and use it! There is just never a good answer here except to do your best to keep yourself safe and keep the spray handy. I have had to use it before to keep a charging dog at bay and it worked like a charm. It can backfire on you on a windy day so keep your eyes closed and turn your head.