Puppy Fundamentals

I am so excited for the launch of this Puppy Fundamentals Video Series.

You will find 22 videos in this series ranging from House-Training to Crate Training. I have a nice array of Obedience Commands for you to start working with your pup as well as some GREAT tips for working through the difficult puppy mouthy stage. I start you on recall, discuss leashes and collars, and get you set up to manage your puppy’s space.

You will see documents attached to many of the videos that are printable so you have a tangible training plan to follow. Print those up! You will be so glad you did.

Videos are great for kids and for adults so you can involve the entire family in your puppy training. I am super proud of this series. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed making it.

All my best,

Pamela Chandler

+251 enrolled
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Course Includes

  • 21 Lessons