New foster

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    Hi! We are new to fostering and have had our foster dog for a little over a month. She has a great routine so far but she will not let us come near her. She won’t let us pet her or feed her from our hands. She just runs from us. She’s still very scared.

    How can we get her to trust us? She is very sweet.

    Thank you!

  • New foster

    Becky updated 4 years, 8 months ago 1 Member · 2 Replies
  • Becky

    May 22, 2020 at 10:28 am

    As far as letting us near her, no. When I sit next to her and ignore her, she will either get up and walk away or go to the far end of the bed. She wants nothing to do with us. The only time she comes close is when I feed her or let her outside but she won’t let us touch her. When we do pick her up (rarely), she will lay on me and let me pet her. She sniffs my face and sometimes licks me. But that’s about it.

  • Becky

    May 24, 2020 at 9:22 am

    I think it may be habit now. We took her camping for one night bc we didn’t want to leave her home alone and to keep her on her schedule. She was scared and very quiet. I had her on my lap most the time and she slept next to the air mattress all night. She let me come up to her to pick her up and got use to that. When we came home, I was able to go up to her and pet her a couple times (the day we got home). Today she is walking away again. I will get a cheap leash and let her walk around with it.

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