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    WhatsApp: +1 (518) 387-9840 CISSP CERTIFICATION WITHOUT EXAM AND TRAINING | CISSP CERTIFICATION WITHOUT EXPERIENCE is a helpful self-study guide that provides the information and hands-on training needed to pass the CISSP exam. Unlike other online courses and tutorials, it has been developed and refined for years and provides you with more than 200 topics plus 650 practice questions to make sure you are well prepared for taking the actual CISSP exam.

    The CISSP Certification without exam is intended for experienced IT security professionals who have already earned the Security+ certification or another industry credential. If you are an expert in security principles and practices, you can demonstrate your knowledge by taking one of these pre-requisite exams instead of the required domain knowledge exam.

    The CISSP (Certified Information Systems Security Professional) program represents the international standard for security and risk management. Now you can earn your CISSP certification without taking the exam, and validate your credentials as a Certified Information Systems Security Professional. Covered topics include Access Controls, Telecommunications and Network Security, Security Assessment & Testing, Security Operations, Software Development Security, Risk Management, Cryptography, General Security Concepts. This book is perfect for IT professionals aspiring to become certified.

    The CISSP Certification Training course brings you everything you need to pass the Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) exam, the gold standard in information security certification, without having to take the costly exam.

    CISSP Certification is a prestigious certification that focuses on information security. CISSP has been viewed as the industry standard, golden pinnacle of achievement for those who manage, design, engineer, implement and secure computer systems. Despite this fact, those who hold the CISSP certification face a growing threat to their professional security practices as a result of threats from insiders and cyber-attacks from worldwide threats. In lieu of CISSP’s original requirement for passing an exam, we have included a 3 –term online CISSP Training Course intended for self-study and review by the reader to enhance their knowledge of security principles. It is our hope

    The CISSP certification is the pinnacle of information security certification and this online course has been developed to help you get certified without taking a required exam. This interactive course will provide you with the knowledge and confidence to pass the CISSP exam and be well on your way to becoming an Information Security Professional.

    Nowadays CISSP credential is a MARK of distinction. In order to be able to get it you

    CISSP is widely recognised as the most respected information security certification in the world. According to (ISC)², earning this credential proves to employers that you have the skills and knowledge necessary to protect organisations from cyber attacks.

    SpecialistCert is designed to help you pass the arduous 6-hour CISSP exam without taking the bad guy 8 hours. Makes it possible for you to get certified in less than 2 weeks!!!

    The CISSP Security Tester Study Guide is a comprehensive resource that provides a step-by-step exam review. It features a unique reverse-engineering approach to help you not only pass the CISSP, but also gain a deep understanding of the information security domain.

    A certification tests your knowledge about threats and vulnerabilities in the following areas:

    Two weekends total in a standard hotel in a major city in the continental United States. Does not guarantee certification. A potential percentage of students may receive a certificate attesting to their completion of the course.

    WhatsApp: +1 (518) 387-9840

    VISIT US ON Twitter: https://twitter.com/specialist_cert

    VISIT US ON INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/specialistcert?utm_medium=copy_link

    Telegram channel: https://t.me/specialistcert

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